Testnet (Ethash)

Step 1: Download our official node client.

Windows users: https://downloads.pinkchain.net/windows/pinktestnet.exe

Linux / Ubuntu users: https://downloads.pinkchain.net/linux/pinktestnet

Step 2: Download pink_testnet.json from https://downloads.pinkchain.net/genesis/pink_testnet.json

You can also use wget command to directly import the files in your machine.

Step 3: Initialize the genesis block with a data directory.

Linux users need to add permission with the following command:

chmod u+x pinktestnet


./pinktestnet --datadir folder_name init pink_testnet.json

Step 4: Start the node with the following command:

./pinktestnet --datadir folder_name --networkid 10101 --port 30603 --syncmode "full" --bootnodes enode://33ff02324d438d6853230050bfebf819fa70c95f107ea383212bf5636c653f1ff8f6ee71c323524b2e160cfc3452a724a6e99736e883cee534860d3ee3672136@

Step 5: Access the client with IPC:

./pinktestnet attach /root/folder/folder_name/geth.ipc

Remember to change folder and folder_name according to your system.

Step 6: Set etherbase address through the IPC console. Your mining rewards will go to the etherbase address.


Step 7: Now you are ready to start mining. Start mining with the following command in IPC console:


Troubleshooting: If your client can't find peers to get synced with then manually add peer in IPC console.


Active Bootnodes:

  1. enode://33ff02324d438d6853230050bfebf819fa70c95f107ea383212bf5636c653f1ff8f6ee71c323524b2e160cfc3452a724a6e99736e883cee534860d3ee3672136@

  2. enode://38d3f831298cbc31012d6e5a3fde1defa81f081821037da8266f1ec4e1f9a2b6ef80d21c10d4f34581515bab15a4e86becde72d10e960b1d29a8c685ee43ec4a@

Last updated